APRIL 2020
We are all going through seemingly very dark times right now. The coronavirus is wreaking havoc around the world - bringing sickness, sadness and death in it's wake. It's a time where we are more isolated than ever before. It is also definitely a time when we are being forced to look into ourselves without the usual outer distractions - revealing no-doubt many more of our fears, our loneliness and our doubts about where all this is leading. Yet in our "separation" we are strangely becoming even more "united" as a species! With such a common enemy all differences between us are rapidly being put aside - as it is only through our unity in fighting this common enemy that we can be strong, and win! So this need not be a time of only doom and gloom. It can also be a time where we have a unique opportunity to transform ourselves, our communities and our world! It's also a time where we, as artists and animators, can express our hopes and visions for the future for others - specifically through the April 2020 drawing challenge, which I have entitled "Silver Linings". . .
The current (draft) YouTube channel tutorial.
Although we ARE all being severely tested in one way or another right now, there has to be some part of it that brings with it a new idea, a new vision or a new sense of discovery in your own life? The challenge therefore is to reflect on this and share a single drawing that illustrates this. It may not be a personal revelation even. It can be a revelation for your family, your community or the world at large. The important thing is that it needs to be "positive", "uplifting" and even "inspirational" for us all. We therefore need to see ourselves in your image too. It additionally has to be "dynamic" - in the sense that it might well be used as a "key drawing" in a bigger concept that you could animate later!
So, inspire us with what is inspiring you right now - as a "silver lining" in what is otherwise a clouded time. And do it with a visual approach that is animated - even though it's a single drawing! The one that most "touches us" and/or "inspires us" on an emotional level will be the one that wins the challenge on this occasion - regardless of the creator's actual drawing ability!
So . . . transform us with your drawing folks!
Tony. :)
Although we ARE all being severely tested in one way or another right now, there has to be some part of it that brings with it a new idea, a new vision or a new sense of discovery in your own life? The challenge therefore is to reflect on this and share a single drawing that illustrates this. It may not be a personal revelation even. It can be a revelation for your family, your community or the world at large. The important thing is that it needs to be "positive", "uplifting" and even "inspirational" for us all. We therefore need to see ourselves in your image too. It additionally has to be "dynamic" - in the sense that it might well be used as a "key drawing" in a bigger concept that you could animate later!
So, inspire us with what is inspiring you right now - as a "silver lining" in what is otherwise a clouded time. And do it with a visual approach that is animated - even though it's a single drawing! The one that most "touches us" and/or "inspires us" on an emotional level will be the one that wins the challenge on this occasion - regardless of the creator's actual drawing ability!
So . . . transform us with your drawing folks!
Tony. :)
Click HERE for full details of submitting to the ANIMATOR'S SKETCHCLUB.
Submissions must be in by midnight on THURSDAY APRIL 30th 2020 (Pacific Time).
Submissions must be in by midnight on THURSDAY APRIL 30th 2020 (Pacific Time).